Browse through the page to find issues that are similar with yours and use the solutions we suggested. Read on for more detailed solutions.įor owners who are looking for a solution to a different problem, drop by our troubleshooting page for we have already addressed some of the most common problems with this device. The following walkthroughs will help rule out software-related factors that caused the new iPhone XR to encounter boot-up errors and stuck on the Apple logo. But before rushing to an Apple Genius bar, there are a few workarounds and potential solutions you can try to fix the problem on your end. While it may sound unusual for such a new Apple-made, high-end smartphone to encounter such problems, there are a lot of factors that can trigger the same symptoms. Tackled in this post is a similar issue affecting the new Apple iPhone XR. Hardware issues like defective motherboards or busted screen components are usually to blame in worst cases. Aside from system errors, memory-related issues including insufficient or low internal memory can also trigger occurrence of similar symptoms.
Among the common symptoms to occur would include but not limited to constant lags, random restarts, and unresponsive or stuck displays. Major system errors usually cause apps or iOS to suddenly act up and stop working.